Get in the driver's seat!

A return on - not to - firm culture! Guest: Jeri Quinn

June 11, 2024 Sandra Bekhor, Practice Management Coach Season 2 Episode 18
A return on - not to - firm culture! Guest: Jeri Quinn
Get in the driver's seat!
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Get in the driver's seat!
A return on - not to - firm culture! Guest: Jeri Quinn
Jun 11, 2024 Season 2 Episode 18
Sandra Bekhor, Practice Management Coach

Today, we're discussing the value of investing in culture change.

For many small to mid-sized professional services firms, firm culture is typically not an area that is given a lot of attention. But whether you do or don’t plan around it, you have a company culture. The question is, does it help or does it hinder you from moving towards your practice goals? If the latter, what can you do about it? Tune in to this episode for some inspiration. 

If you are interested in learning more about Jeri Quinn, please go to:

You're listening to Get in the Driver’s Seat! We’re telling stories about leadership moments in small to mid-sized professional practices. I’m your host, Sandra Bekhor, Practice Management Coach for lawyers, architects, consultants and other professionals at Bekhor Management.

Show Notes

Today, we're discussing the value of investing in culture change.

For many small to mid-sized professional services firms, firm culture is typically not an area that is given a lot of attention. But whether you do or don’t plan around it, you have a company culture. The question is, does it help or does it hinder you from moving towards your practice goals? If the latter, what can you do about it? Tune in to this episode for some inspiration. 

If you are interested in learning more about Jeri Quinn, please go to:

You're listening to Get in the Driver’s Seat! We’re telling stories about leadership moments in small to mid-sized professional practices. I’m your host, Sandra Bekhor, Practice Management Coach for lawyers, architects, consultants and other professionals at Bekhor Management.