Get in the driver's seat!
Busy professionals tend to get lost in the day-to-day operation of their practices. 'Get in the driver's seat!' will be that helpful reminder that you don't have to be a passenger on your own bus. This podcast features inspiring stories about the moments, big and small, that illustrate effective leadership from team management and client communication to rainmaking. Practice management coach, Sandra Bekhor, interviews successful lawyers, architects, accountants and healthcare professionals for touching and uplifting (and even entertaining) examples taht illustrate what really works... and what really doesn't!
Podcasting since 2023 • 25 episodes
Get in the driver's seat!
Latest Episodes
Leaning into difficult conversations! Guest: Hannah Lau
Today, we’re talking about difficult conversations in the workplace. Facing them head-on, rather than avoiding or delaying... because the underlying issue probably isn’t going away anytime soon.In this episode, we share relatable stories...
Season 2
Episode 24
The power of stick-to-itiveness in marketing! Guests: Mark Robins and Stuart Rudner
Lots of lawyers and other professionals give marketing a try. Once, twice, three times. But they get distracted, discouraged or busy and never really hit their stride. When marketing comes to a halt, you're not just walking away from inquiries,...
Season 2
Episode 23
Make the most of your board experience: Guests: Annie Tayyab and Michael Binetti
At some point in their career, many lawyers and other professionals consider serving on a board of directors as part of their professional development. And when they do, they usually come face-to-face with inevitable questions, like these...
Season 2
Episode 22
From solopreneur to CEO: Guest: Lacey Kempinski
There are a lot of uncomfortable bumps along the way from solopreneur to CEO of your own professional firm: - letting go of control as you hire and delegate in a bigger way- prioritizing what matters to you and being flexible with ...
Season 2
Episode 21
Performance reviews don't work! Guest: Deborah Glatter
There’s a lot of controversy around performance reviews these days! But rather than make a list of pros and cons, we’re performing a dramatic and playful role play. Our discussion shines a light on the issues to show a new way forward.
Season 2
Episode 20